Saturday, July 10, 2010



1st of all....rindunye x msuk "villa" aku nih....dh bersawang2 aku tgk.....habuk xyah nk katelaa....ishk...dhlaa tuannye ni alergik ngn habuk....sob..sob...seb bek masih cntik dan tersusun g isi dlmnye....hehe....sape nk tlong kmas "villa" kesygnku ni....angkt tgn.....(bajet rmi je yg follow "villa" ni kn???sape minat David Villa....sile jd follower kpd "villa" x bertauliah ni ye....haha

sambil2 mngemas nih......nk story gaklaa pe "big event" yg aku dh lalui spnjg x berkunjung ke sini....

last three weeks ago....aku mcm kne injection culture shocked.....bile kne siapkan tender TNB sebyk 16 biji....tu yg kne isi form2 dlm tulaa...x termsuk attachment n supporting dokumen....totally almost 64 biji gaklaa....aku pon x sure....yg bgusnye tuh...tender nih mcm mnymbut kedtgn aku plak kn.....previously, xdelaa plak diorg kne wat tender sbyk tuh...aku msuk2 je terus bedebuk.....nah!! amik ko.....hahah.....huhuhu.......smpai manager aku kte..."jgn pasni ju terus nk resigned dhlaa".....hahaha....sbb die tgk aku mmpu berthn tnpe sbrg rungutan....chewah.....hehe....act, yg buat aku kuat tuh sbb same2 bersusah payah sume pulun siapkan dokumen2 tuh....dari division manger....smpailaa general clerk mmbntu kami....tdo di opis...nape aku leh berthn???sbb dh biasa wat cmtu mse study dulu....sbb nk kjr due date hntr project or assignment....smpai x tdo mlm...pastu jd cm biol je esoknye tuh....huhhu.....semoga berblslaa pengorbanan kami sume....minx2 sangkutlaa satu tender tuh....aammiin~~

next event (last week)

gaji masuk.....alhamdulillah....rse kepuasan di situ merasa duit dr hasil penat lelah, mule2 skali pi settlekn hutg2 yg leh disettlekan.....pastu big eventnye......"open table" blnje satu family...unfortunately, abg epol x dpt join last minute cancel plan turun shah, agk terkilan di situ....maybe next time...huhuh..mase nk byr tu cm puas je rse dpt hepikn sume org yg lame dh tunggu 1st gaji aku.....alhamdulillah~~pastu kte same2 tgk bola mase argentina kne belasah ngn german.....wahaha.....syok je yg agk mnyeronokkn yg pnh aku tgklaa....(ade je game yg lg, i x lyn sumelaa....hehe)....

pastu life kmbali spt biasa....adik2 sume dh masuk u balik.....pndai2laa bwk dr ye.....fokus blaja tuh....jgn ingt nk men n bercinta je....cube contohi akk2mu ni..(wahahah...bajet bagus)...papelaa...kalu x puji dr sndr...sape g nk puji.....ngeh3.....

n now....aku dpt tender bru g....n kali ni x sbyk ritulaa....n manager aku dh start nk uji aku...die bg 100% kt aku suh settlekan tnpe cmpur tgn die......adooiii.....bedebuk!! again.....huhuhu....n lately, die kerap xde kt opis.....pape fax n call skg dh start attention to miss juriah ye.....uhuk2.....tender2 gak....keje2 len jln spt biasa excuses....wokeh...i'll do it!! so, waiting for a next bziest week start dis monday until closing, scra x lgsung aku xleh nk amik cuti g iv kt panasonic khamis dpn....coz for sure focus aku akn tergnggu dgn keinginan bekerja di tmpt len.....oh no!!...dat's not me....i'm a loyal person.....if u r able to be here...juz go on as usual....dont be a greedy person juz becoz dat cmpny also provide a good "benefit" for ur far, my heart didnt give any "instinct" to accept that invitation.....sob...sob.....gain more experience n knowledge here ju....u'll be success...huhu....that's more valuable rather than u jump into another place...than jump again....wut da purpose of urlife???juz want to get a "big" salary or give ur best to whatever u do as long as it's still "ibadah" and "obligation" dat u need to fill up..huhu...(apelaa aku merepek nih...sewel je ckp sorg2 kn...haha)...klaa....semoga ku temui jalan yg terbaik utk meneruskan perjalanan hidupku yg masih diberi peluang n ruang dariNya.....Allah, please always guide me.....

klaa....smpai di sini dulu ye....nk smbung ngemas "villa" kesygnku ini...hehe
